Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sweet little one-year-old

Madeline turned 1 on July 28. She is so happy and fun and easy. She is walking everywhere, going up and down stairs, and generally loving life. She does have the ear-piercing shriek that is a trademark of our offspring, but she doesn't use it quite as much as her brothers did, thank goodness.
We got cupcakes the day of her birthday. She was mad during the singing/candle part because she wanted it right then. When Ethan turned one, he didn't know what to do with the cake. As the 3rd child, Madeline knew exactly what to do with it...she stuffed it in her mouth and basically sucked on it until there was nothing left. Post-cupcake sugar high. And of course a birthday is not complete without presents, which her brothers helped her open. We had another party over the weekend for my dad and Maddie at my parents' place. Both my brothers were there with their wives and kids. I'm not sure what had her so concerned here; I thought it was lots of fun! Maddie is incredibly good-natured. Jason read a study that said your personality is set by your first birthday. If that's true, we're in good shape. She is so affectionate and comes up to us several times a day to hug us, kiss us, or climb into your arms and lay her head on your shoulder. Sometimes she'll just sit in your lap. I don't remember the boys ever sitting still, let alone in my lap. She tries to keep up with the boys and has learned a few wrestling moves. If you are laying on the floor she will run up and body slam you. She thinks it's funny when Jason and the boys wrestle but if I enter the fray she starts to cry. Of course, we think she's brilliant. Jason said it was time to get dressed and she took off her diaper and handed it to him. She tries to help me change Colin's diapers or put his shoes on, and tries to feed me her food. The other day Jason went out to the garage, and she brought me my shoes and led me to the garage door. She's always trying to put on anything she can wear as a necklace or bracelet, and loves to brush her hair. Girls are fun!!
She likes lounging...on her brothers, a stuffed animal, or this pillow, which is her absolute favorite. She spends every afternoon hugging it. Maddie's very verbal. Her most often-used words are: "WOW," "uh-oh," "daddy," "doggy" (for all animals), "this" (while pointing), and "that" (while pointing). She says "Ow" a lot...usually while hitting her brothers (or herself) repeatedly on the head. Ethan was walking next to the cart on a trip to Target and kept hitting him on the head, saying "Ow" and laughing. She cracks herself up. Her absolute favorite word, though, is "Hi." She says it no fewer than 60 times a day. We adore her.

At her 12-month checkup, she was in the 70th percentile for height and the 45th for weight. Healthy and happy (aside from that annoying chronic asthma issue). She's just perfect...but don't think I'm biased. I'm just quoting her pediatrician, and he's a professional, so you'll have to take his word for it.


Ann said...

I think Maddie is perfect too...and you can quote me on that!

Rachel said...

Happy birthday Maddie! I just love that baby too, she should be named Mary Poppins (practically perfect in every way).

Kimberly said...

I love the high pitched 'hi'. What a beautiful girl. Happy Birthday Maddie!