Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Putting Colin to bed at night is a long routine of bath, pjs, prayers, teeth brushing, stories, songs, and various other manipulative stalling tactics. When you finally get him in to bed, he has two final requests: refill his sippy cup of water, and get him some toy he suddenly can't go to bed without. This was our conversation the other night: Colin: Mom, I need dah-dah. [rhymed with "ha"] Me: Colin, I don't know what that is. Is it a toy? Colin: Yes. It's dah-dah. Go get it. Me: Is it downstairs? Colin: No, it's in Ethan's room. Get dah-dah. Me: Is it a Lego? Colin: Yes, it's dah-dah. Go get it, Mom. Me: Is it a car? Colin: No. It's dah-dah. Me: Colin, I'm really sorry. I just don't know what that is. Colin: Mom, it's this:

At this point he starts moving his arms like some sort of marching robot and singing "dah-dah-dah-duh-duh-DAH-duh-duh-DAH". Which sounds just like this.

Me: Ohhhhhhhh...you mean Darth Vader? Colin: Yes, Darth Vader. Go get it. After I retrieved it, he said, "Good job, Mom. You found dah-dah."

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