Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Last year, we held Ethan's birthday party (the first week of June) at our house. I planned the whole thing for outside, made the cake myself, designed and organized the activities, etc. It was a lot of work and happened to be almost 100 degrees that day. This year, I decided I was playing the pregnancy card, and we held his party at Pump It Up. I got the cake from Cold Stone and basically did nothing except show up. It was GREAT. And Ethan was thrilled, which is always a nice bonus at your own birthday party. We invited everyone in his preschool class, primary class, cousins, neighbors, friends from Durham, etc, thinking most people would be busy with summer schedules. Almost everyone came. I was worried they might get bored, but aside from a few rug-burn type injuries, everyone seemed to have a good time. If you really want to feel like you were there, Mark posted some video footage in his Picasa album. Ethan went to his friend's party at Monkey Joe's a couple of months ago, and his friend got to sit in a similar inflatable chair. Ethan wanted to sit in it so bad, but his friend wouldn't let anyone else do it. Ethan was SO excited to sit in this chair, and made sure everyone who wanted to got a chance to join him. He's such a considerate kid.
I let him pick out his cake from the Cold Stone catalog. It turned out to be a huge mistake, because...
...apparently black icing dye and messy kids don't mix so well. I think there was more than one shirt ruined, and the kids left looking like they'd all attended some Goth party.
But it tasted great!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Looks like fun. Ethan has way more friends than I do and I'm 50 something...