Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When Grammy and Papa come to town

Last year, Ethan wanted to see snow. We went to visit Grammy and Papa in New York, and as luck would have it, it snowed for him. A lot.

This year, he's been begging for it, and I've been explaining that it just doesn't really snow here. Then Grammy and Papa came, and since they apparently give Ethan whatever he wants, it snowed. At least 5 inches. I blame them...really, I do. But at least it made Ethan's day.

Jason went in to the office despite the fact that it was CLOSED and he was the only one there. Workaholic, perhaps? It's genetic, since Papa (Randy) flew home in the snowstorm early that morning and drove straight to work. Jason played in the snow with the kids before and after. We don't have ANY snow gear, so we sent Ethan out in bright blue flannel pjs, bright green frog rain boots, bright red Terrapins gloves that my brother gave him 2 years ago, and his winter coat. There are pictures of him, such as the one below, for which he may never forgive me when he's older.

We put Colin in a one-piece snowsuit that Ethan had in Boston. He couldn't move and freaked out any time he fell because he couldn't get himself back up. He also freaked out until we took at least one glove off. He just stood in the snow and stared. It was funny to see him hold still. I can't remember the last time he did. After a little while he picked up a sand shovel beach toy and started digging in the snow. Then he lost his balance, fell down, and freaked out some more. While Grammy and Papa were here, we ate chocolate pie, played Wii racing, and a new game our friends introduced us to. It was too cold to leave the house, but we still had fun. I walked in the room one morning and found Ethan and Grammy hard at work on their laptops. He adores her. Ann stayed on a few days after Randy left and was a substitute mom. After she left, I had to get out of bed before 8:30 am, make myself my own breakfast, play Zingo and "living room soccer" with Ethan a gazillion times a day, change Colin's poopy diapers, clean my own kitchen, and bathe the kids myself. It was a rough adjustment back to reality.


Ann said...

Such fun memories...even the unexpected snow was fun! Looking forward to hanging out with the boys in March.

Sara said...

Yay for Grammies! How could we be mother's without them ;)