Saturday, November 22, 2008

13 (point one!)

This morning, Jason and I ran the same half-marathon that he ran last year. I can't believe I actually went through with it! Quite honestly, usually I'm a quitter when it comes to things like this. It was the furthest I've ever run and only my 2nd race, so I'm pretty excited that I did it.

I had 3 goals: 1) To finish. Period. 2) To not finish last. 3) To finish in under 2:30. (I know that's not very ambitious...I'm slow and steady; I'm not looking to win any awards.) I'm happy to say I met all 3 goals. I was really nervous 2 weeks before the race, but pretty calm this morning and in the week leading up to it. I think part of me knew I was prepared and part of me figured I'd find a way out of it. The only thing I was worried about was the weather. It was cold...26 degrees at start time, but 19 degrees with the wind chill. It didn't end up being too much of a problem, though.

Thanks to Jason for being so encouraging about training, for running with me, pacing me, and talking to me. Thanks to my parents for taking the kids not only during the race, but last night, too, so I could get a good night's sleep. And to the fun women in my ward who were so willing to go running with me while I trained.

I may never run again. I'm really sore. But (obviously) so proud of myself!


Erin G. said...

WoW!! Way to go Kim! Congratulations on meeting all three of your goals. Very impressive - I don't know if I'll ever run that far.

Rachel said...

Kim, I am seriously so very proud of you. I have been trying to get myself to start just walking around the block and work my way up to running. You are an inspiration!

Nathan said...

Nice work. Congrats.

Ann said...

I am very proud of you Kim!!!

PapaRandy said...


Butler Fam said...

Wow!! A HUGE congrats! That's awesome. I'm just getting back into running ... or shall I say jogging ... since baby #3. We'll see how it goes. I'd love to do the same thing some day.

Kay said...

That's awesome! Congratulations!!!

Marshall Nair said...

You're awesome!!! Way to go

Julie said...

Great job! You should feel very proud! I did a 5 mile turkey trot this week - someday I hope to work up to a half marathon. You're an inspiration to me!

Ashley said...

I'm impressed! I would not have left my home with that temperature. Good job Kim! (And Jason)

Brooke said...

Way to go, Kim and Jason. I have been considering a 1/2 marathon, but I'm afraid I'll chicken out.

Kimberly said...

I want to catch that bug... the desire to run bug... Can Jason write me a prescription to catch that bug?

Seriously, I walk everyday and feel like I've accomplished something monumental... way to go! I'll work on it. Any tips on training?