Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Shows Initiative"

Colin's really into climbing lately. And getting his own snacks. And doesn't seem to feel guilty about it, either.


Mike and Brittany said...

Didn't he just start walking? My goodness he is advanced. He's going to give you a run for your money. With that smile though, he'll get away with it all

Heather said...

He's really just trying to help you out. Now you know how high you need to put the things you really don't want him to get into. Love the smile!! He enjoys helping out!

Kimberly said...

Do you kiss that face all day? How could you not? He looks edible!

I'm envious of your great shelves!

Brooke said...

He's so adorable! It looks like he wants to help, so you should put him to work.

Ashley said...

Cute Colin, but it's the pantry I'm really coveting. My "pantry" is above my cabinets and I have to use a step ladder (kind of like the one Colin's standing on) to reach it. One day!

PapaRandy said...

I can't wait to read your blogs about Colin, 5, 10 and 15 years from now. Just try to keep up with him!