Friday, November 13, 2009

There's something wrong with me

The other night I packed up Maddie's newborn (0-3 month) clothes and cried as I folded her little onesies...she's getting so big, so fast. I recognize how messed up that is. As I said to Jason, it's not like she's going off to college (although that will be here before I know it...excuse me while I go cry some more).

I snapped this picture with my phone before church on Sunday to show my mother-in-law that I finally bought Maddie some "girl" clothes (a dress and tights...which she didn't own before in her current size) and to show Jason (who was in Kentucky taking an exam) that I was on time for church. "So why can't you be on time when I'm around?" he wanted to know. Obnoxious.

Going to church with my 3 little kids was brave, reckless, and a little bit pointless. I had to pass Madeline off to someone (thanks, Christa!) and someone else came to sit with Ethan (thanks, Regan!) while I spent sacrament meeting putting Colin in time out. You might think the picture below is not a great one, since Colin is so blurry, but it's actually a perfect representation of my (and his) life right now.


Ann said...

Everyone needs a Colin....just to keep them humble.

sleep deprived said...

My mantra is "I will be blessed for my obedience."

Because otherwise I'd just stay home until the youngest turned eight.

Julie said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who spends sacrament meeting putting their 2 year old in time out! And sometimes my 5 year old. :( Bravo to you for going to church on your own - we have a hard enough time when we're both there!