Thursday, April 30, 2009

(Over-)Sharing Time

I can't decide if, when he's older, Ethan will think this story is funny, or humiliating. I'm going to take a risk and document it anyway.

Some background: When he's engaged in any activity (TV, games, playing trucks, etc.), Ethan cannot be bothered to stop and go to the bathroom no matter how urgently he needs to. He gets in trouble if I tell him to go (because the signs are obvious), he ignores me completely, then has an accident. Completely unrelated (in my mind, but apparently not his): when I've been dropping him off at primary lately he hugs me and doesn't want me to leave. I say, "I'm going to my class. Don't have any fun today!" He always laughs and runs off to sit with his friends, and reports after that he did have fun despite what I said.

Which brings us to Sunday's junior sharing time. Here's the email I got from one of the primary counselors:

Today I taught about how we follow Jesus' example, and after discussing various gospel art pictures of Jesus serving, praying, reading, etc, I invited the children to share how they were trying to follow Jesus' example. Ethan raised his hand. “I'm following Jesus by listening to my mom, and I listen to her and do what she says,” he stated loudly and clearly so that everyone could hear. “But sometimes I'm having too much fun and I forget to listen and I pee in my pants.” Strong emphasis was put on the word pee. Stifling a laugh, I tried to move to another child, but Ethan persisted, “My mom told me not to have fun at church, but guess what! I'm having fun AND my underwear is dry!”

Jason and I were concerned about how the other kids reacted, but one of the teachers told me that the best part was that the other kids were all nodding in complete understanding.


Erin G. said...

The part about the other kids nodding with complete understanding cracked me up! I love primary classes. Chris was once told "don't do drugs!" in response to the question of how to be a good friend.

Ann said...

So funny. As a parent...I think "sharing time" would make me a little nervous.

Kay said...

LOL. I love sharing time because of things like that. I'm going to have to start emailing parents when their kids do something funny....

Toby said...

I have been the teacher on the other end of the "sharing" time stories, one involving her Dad drinking coffee on Easter morning and telling her not to tell anyone. (which is only funny to us mormons)

Loved this story of Ethan though. He's such a funny kid!

Nathan said...

smart, obedient kid

PapaRandy said...

What would the world be like if adults like kids lived with such "transparency"

Marshall Nair said...

Love the story. I should start telling the families in primary what the children say

Brooke said...

Okay, I'm cracking up. This is hilarious! Luke is the same way when it comes to not wanting to be interrupted with potty breaks. It happens way too often. A few weeks ago in Sharing Time we were talking about how our mom's and dad's love and help us. He said, "my mom hates me".

Hawk Highlights said...

If only we could all always have "fun and dry pants" truly something to strive for...thanks for sharing

Anna and Ryan said...

hey there. I just read your comment on ashley's blog about that rude man in your neighborhod. I'm so sorry that upset you so much. You are an awesome mom and everybody who sees you with your kids for more than 30 seconds knows that. I know it must be so hard keeping up with those two (OK, well really just Colin) when most of your energy is being re-routed to growing another human being. You are doing a great, if at times thankless, job.