Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sibling Fun

During the months I spent camped out on the couch, the kids found creative new ways to entertain themselves, and me. Colin made up this particular game, and then recruited Ethan to join him after a while. Colin still tries to get Ethan to do it now and then. While I'm horizontal on the couch, they line up across the room on the opposite wall. They take a moment to coordinate the attack. Then run full speed at me, while I'm yelling. When they reach me, they jump on me and laugh and laugh. It's a great thing to be entertained by your own children, and always a beautiful thing when they play together well.


Brooke said...

Oh, that is so cute. I'm sorry that they jump on you. I hope you're feeling better.

Kimberly said...

I can picture you grinning ear to ear while feeling miserable on the couch. You are such a happy gal! Lucky you had the camera near by! How cute are those boys of yours!!!