Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our 1-Year-Old

These pictures are from Colin's birthday party with my family (almost a month ago). He sucked the icing off of his cake and then didn't eat much of the actual cake. He had fun getting messy, though. (Mark and LaDonna took all of these pictures. Thanks! And...I finally got a "real" camera. One that focuses and everything. Hooray!)
A few things about Colin:
  • He weighs 23 pounds and is 30 inches long. 
  • His first official word was "Grrrrr." Jason was playing on the floor with the kids a couple of months ago. He was chasing Ethan around, when suddenly Colin said, "Grrrr," charged Jason, and butted his head against him. It became a favorite game for both of them.
  • He also says, "Uh-oh" and "Da." He uses "Da" for lots of things, but it's obvious when he's saying it for Jason. He stands at the gate at the top of the stairs or crawls from room to room in the house calling, "Da! Da!" until he finds Jason. No signs of Mama yet. He's not saying much else, though he makes lots of noise. Still shrieking, and also using "Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah" and pointing to communicate. 
  • Is signing "bye," "night-night," and "more." Blows kisses. The other day he pointed at himself, signed "more" (which he thinks means "food"), and then pointed to his high chair. I'd forgotten how well toddlers can communicate before they talk. 
  • He's showing absolutely no interest in walking, although he is standing once in a while now. 
  • He is very, very opinionated and determined. This can make life challenging. He points at what he wants, and if he doesn't get it, he shrieks, then throws a temper tantrum. He is also very, very affectionate. Several times a day he throws his arms around me, leans his head in, and says, "Ahhhhhh." I LOVE that. We love him. 


Erin G. said...

That face is so cute!

Ann said...

It's hard to believe that Colin is over a year old. Seems like he was born yesterday. What's not to love about Colin?!

Nathan said...

Happy shriekin' birthday Colin.