Monday, May 5, 2008


Recent thoughts from our 3-year-old:
(shown above playing hopscotch in our front yard last week with friends Ryan and Elijah)

"Well, that might be a little bit of a problem for me, guys." When told by his dad that bedtime was in 5 minutes.

"I can help, 'cuz I'm a good guy!" When told by his mom that Colin needed a diaper change.

"Cooperate!" Yelled at his mom from beneath his shirt, when I was apparently taking too long to get his shirt on. A phrase he hears every morning while throwing up 3-year-old blocks to my efforts to dress him.

"Great Caeser's ghost!" A response to just about anything exciting, picked up from one of his favorite shows (Backyardigans).

"I'm smart, huh?" After he informed me about some fact or other. His dad is always telling him how smart he is. I hope this high self-esteem sticks around throughout the rest of his life.

"But you're not a dad." In response to my explanation that I would be gone when he woke up the next morning because I was going to run a race. NOW would be so horrified.

"We're cute, huh? Do you need to take a picture of us?" As he cuddled next to Colin on the bed. Another phrase he hears from me daily.

"Jam.Jam.Jam.Jam.Jam.Jam.Jam...." A chant started in aisle 2 of Target when I mentioned we need to buy more strawberry jam. It's in aisle 4. We made it to aisle 14 before I nearly lost it and convinced him to stop.

"Mom, I have a job for you. When we get home from church, I need you to tell me what the deal is." This is a blend of 2 phrases he hears from us constantly. Anytime I need his help, I start with, "Ethan, come here, I have a job for you..." Anytime we are trying to prep him for upcoming activities, we start with, "Here's the deal, we're going to..."


Ann said...

Priceless! I've heard some pretty good one liners from him myself!

*megan said...

Those are hilarious. Good thing you are putting those in writing. I need to do better at that. Ethan is so darling.

Harris Beach Bums said...

Kids say the cutest things. It's really good your writing them down.

Nathan said...

funny stuff - i wish i could hear them in person

PapaRandy said...

So Cute!

Matt said...

The last one is the best. Gave me a good chuckle. Thanks for sharing-
