Thursday, March 20, 2008

Productive Day

This little cutey is 6 months old...almost 7! As Jason said, "He was just born. Seriously." We're not sure where the time went and we're a little sad. This is how he looked this morning when I had to wake him up at 9 to go to his checkup. He is cuteness wrapped in sweetness and covered in a layer of adorableness. I know I gush excessively about him. I can't help it. Spend 5 minutes with him and you'll understand. Or maybe not...I admit to an extreme bias where my kids are concerned. He can roll from his back to his stomach but hasn't figured out yet how to get to his back again. This makes him very mad, especially when he wakes up and finds himself on his stomach. He's getting a little more used to it. He's been on solids for a few months now and loves food. The other thing that makes him very mad...when you put his bib on him and don't stick a spoonful of food in his mouth stat. Or when he's determined to eat paper and we take it away. His little temper tantrums make me laugh (for now at least!). He got his first two teeth (the two on the bottom) last weekend. He's in the 98th percentile for height and 90th for weight. According to his pediatrician, he's the weight of the average 9-month-old, the height of the average 11-month-old, and has the head circumference of the average 15-month-old. We just adore him. No one can make him belly laugh like Ethan can, and it's so cute to watch them together. Besides Colin's check-up, the other big event of the day was that we bought a house! We are so, so excited to have settled on something and have this house-hunting process over with. We are never moving again. Ever. As you can see, it's under construction. It should be done (fingers crossed) end of May or first of June. It's bigger than we need, but it was the only one that felt right. If I could move it just 20 or 30 minutes closer to my family it would be my dream house, but nothing closer to them worked out with Jason's commute, so we think we made the right choice. Wish us luck!


Rachel said...

Your little boy IS seriously adorable, cute, and sweet! And your house looks beautiful! I have heard North Carolina is a beautiful state, so I may have to come check it out once your house is complete.

Kay said...

Congratulations on the house!!! It looks great. And of course your kids are adorable, but as their aunt I may be a little biased, too...

Kelli Salter said...

congrats on the home purchase. i loved the update with all the pictures. colin is still bigger than scarlett who is now 10 months. although she is finally eating solids so this past weigh in she had gained a lot more weight. thanks for thinking of me yesterday, we miss you guys.

love, kelli

Morgan Moore said...

Hooray!! The house is AMAZING and we are so so thrilled for you (and just wanted to point out our entire living space could fit in your garage!- but enough of that!) It's gorgeous- you guys deserve it. When can we come and crash your pad???

Colin is just as adorable as ever!!

Miss you!


Ashley said...

Cool! We are really happy for you guys. Hopefully it will be done by the time we come see you!

Erin G. said...

Congratulations on the home! It's beautiful - I can't wait to see it this fall.

Ann said... last! You get to start playing "real life". The home looks lovely and I can testify to both Colin and Ethan's "adorablenss".

Nathan said...

great news about the house. we're really looking forward to visiting sometime when you're settled

Brooke said...

Congratulations on your new home. It's beautiful. Be sure and post more pictures after you move in. Also, your kids are cute cute cute. Nathan and Colin sound a lot alike. Nathan also has an obsession with eating paper and throws a fit when it is taken away. Oh, babies are so wonderful!

Restless Mom said...

Congratulations on your house! And your adorable children. Enjoy the process! It's a lot of work, and a ton of fun!